Friday 1 March 2013

Third Reflection

           Further in the first chapter, this nine-years old girl, Jook Liang, becomes friends with an ugly old man, who is described as a “monkey face”. I was surprised that at a such a young age, this little girl had the ability to see someone’s inner beauty when her other family members were frightened by him. She even hugs him because she thinks he looks like the monkey king in a Chinese myth. Perhaps when children are young, their thoughts are not as complicated as adults’ thoughts. Nowadays, people value others based on their monetary fortune, power, and appearance more than on their inner beauty. However, a girl like Jook does not do this;  she is precious because she is able to make friends with an unattractive person with a  kind heart.

1 comment:

  1. Nice interpretation on the character, you illustrated your feeling on this unusual friendship. I agree with that children have more naïve thoughts than adults. However, their minds will still grow to maturity one day.
